We Need Your Support to Continue Our Advocacy & Operations....
The NYS Care Management Coalition is funded through its conference fees; we have never charged a membership fee which has allowed anyone interested in the behavioral health care management community to receive our services.
Although our registration for our annual conference is significant, it will not be at the level needed to support our operations. Over the past few years, conference and operational expenses have increased. To remain viable and sustainable, the Coalition needs sponsorships to help support its mission, advocacy activities and training.
Therefore, we are seeking your help. Please consider a sponsorship to help us continue our quality services and efforts. Click the button below to learn more!
Welcome to the website of the New York State Care Management Coalition. The Coalition’s goal is to offer care managers across New York State the opportunity to become one voice on many issues facing both the clientele and the agencies we all serve. We as a Coalition, drawing from the voice of care managers and their agencies statewide, lead advocacy issues and use our strength and numbers to drive change on how to best provide the vital care to the individuals we serve. The Coalition continues to provide quality, state-of-the art educational programming, information and networking opportunities on best practices in the care management field.
A Message from the Coalition's President
It seems our world has made it through a once in a lifetime pandemic. This pandemic shut down businesses, halted regulatory oversite, placed everything on hold. But do you know what had to continue? Human Services and healthcare. I am proud to say that care managers within the Health Home System were some of the first to get back out there. To be face to face with our clients, in their homes, in offices, and outside in parks. It did not matter because we, as care managers, knew exactly what people needed. They needed support, contact, and face to face human interaction.

Andrew O’Grady, LCSW-R, President
FY 2024-25 Advocacy Materials​
Thank You for Your Support!​​
Premier Sponsor
It's not surprising though because Health Home Care Managers have always gone above and beyond what our scope of services could limit us to. We have been doing everything needed to assure that our clients can navigate this very confusing and frustrating system of care and can access benefits that they need to survive. Despite all the incredible work that care managers do across this State, that very same exhausting work is either not understood, not acknowledged, or minimized by people who are tasked with assuring that the most vulnerable people in our State are taken care of and have a champion in their corner. There is literally a movement to dismantle this vital piece of our system of care simply because what we do it not understood.
That is what this Coalition is tasked with. We educate though our annual conference. We educate though lobbying the decision makers in State Government. We support the work all care managers do by advocating on every level for them to have better workflows, reduce unnecessary and duplicative work that takes time away from the clients. We support the care managers in this State in every way that we can so that this vital work continues, because without it, a vast number of people will be left to try to navigate this world alone and those very people will very likely fail without the support of the care managers. Dismantling the care management benefit would increase the homeless numbers, increase unnecessary hospitalized numbers, increase jail numbers, but worst yet, the human toll. The struggle that will be hoisted upon our clients, because of a lack of understanding by those people who are supposed to assure everyone is taken care of is tremendous.
We know this so we will continue to fight for all care managers and all of our clients. We will work closely with DOH and OMH to inform and educate about workflow, requirements, workload, and other challenges that the care managers throughout this state must contend with. We highlight the successes that have come from the incredible work of the care managers. We continue to push the need for a reduction in unnecessary data entry and paperwork.
The common denominator in any intervention that addresses the needs of people who struggle with mental wellness and addiction is care management, care coordination, and boots on the ground assistance. These are the interventions that move the needle and get people to the outcomes they hope for. The work of a care manager is vital. It is the lifeline for so many people. This coalition knows it, this coalition supports that, and this coalition will always work hard to continue to advocate, educate, and highlight all that the care manager does.
The Board of Directors hopes that you will find this site as a resource by providing information on our Annual Conference and other care management issues. Please take a look at our board listing. The Coalition’s Board members in your region are willing to assist you both personally and professionally regarding New York’s care management system.
The Board is always looking for individuals to serve; please email me directly at aogrady@mhadutchess.org with your resume and your intent to become more involved. In addition to meeting with representatives from NYS OMH and DOH, the Board meets monthly via conference call and/or in Albany to stay in tuned to the ever-changing environment we are all part of. We encourage you to email questions, articles of interest or share educational opportunities to our headquarters in Albany at nyscaremanagement@gmail.com. Thank you for your continued service to care management and more importantly, to those we serve.
Andrew O’Grady, LCSW-R
President, NYS Care Management Coalition, and
CEO, MHA of Dutchess County

Our Purpose
Establish and maintain relationships with local, regional, state and national care management services and organizations. Foster more formalized partnerships with stakeholders in care management.
Address legislative and regulatory issues.
Provide training, networking and sharing of best practices for care management practices, policies and procedures.
Maintain integrity of care management values in existing and new programs by offering guidance to funding sources, agencies and/or regulatory bodies about care management practice standards, core principles and values.
Define and seek to establish practice standards.
Promote values and mission of care management with a focus on recipient empowerment, psychiatric rehabilitation and recognizing recovery as a process.
Enhance and reinforce the practice of care management skills which are based on a common perspective, functions, skills and knowledge base, focusing on similarity of needs and personal tailoring of responses to individuals.
Promote care management as a unique field of practice requiring highest levels of integrity, creativity and human responsiveness practiced in partnership with those served.