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Conference Information

May 2 & 3, 2024

The Conference Center at Lake Placid

2634 Main St, Lake Placid, NY 12946


Thursday, May 2

7:30am – 8:45am

Registration & Coffee with Vendors (Breakfast is on your own.)


8:45am – 9:00am

Welcome & Annual Meeting of the Corporation

Jackie Negri, Director, NYS Care Management Coalition

Andrew O’Grady, President, Board of Directors, NYS Care Management Coalition and Executive Director, Mental Health America in Dutchess County


9:00am – 9:45am 

Keynote Presentation: Culturally Responsive Care for Adults, Children and Families

Melanie Funchess, CEO, Ubuntu Village Works, LLC

9:45am – 10:00am 

Break with Vendors


10:00am – 11:15am

Concurrent Sessions


1. Elevate Your Impact: A Blueprint for Becoming a Thought Leader

Christina Walsh, Program Manager, Hillside
Aaron Pascale, Program Manager, Hillside

In a rapidly evolving world, the role of a thought leader has become increasingly pivotal. This conference session is designed to empower aspiring individuals with the insights, strategies, and tools essential for establishing themselves as thought leaders. Join us as we delve into the art and science of thought leadership, exploring the key principles that distinguish leaders of thought from the rest. From cultivating a unique perspective to effectively sharing ideas, participants will learn how to strategically position themselves as influencers.

The session will offer insights as to how to build your personal brand, content strategy and creation, networking and relationship building, embracing innovation and continuous learning and navigating challenges, embracing Innovation and continuous learning. This session is ideal for professionals across diverse sectors who aspire to lead conversations, inspire change, and make a lasting impact. Whether you're an executive, or emerging leader, this session will equip you with the knowledge and skills to embark on your journey towards becoming a thought leader in your field.

2. Medically Fragile Children & Health Homes

Melody A. Palange, Director, Children’s Health Network

Ashley Porter, Health Home Care Management Supervisor 


Medically Fragile children are an incredibly unique population to work with in that for most, their clinical safety must be considered above all, often leaving other pressing needs unmet or with significant barriers to resolution.


For many families with Medically Fragile children, frequent and extensive hospitalizations, surgeries and illnesses are “routine.” Families find it difficult to make short- and long-term plans as their child’s clinical condition presents so many uncertainties. Working with families of Medically Fragile children requires flexibility and patience for working in the here and now, and a comprehensive understanding of the many obstacles families encounter daily.  


This session will describe the unique Care Management approach, support and services frequently required for medically fragile children and their families.

3. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services: What Care Coordinators Need to Know About Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services in the Mental Health Service Continuum

Julie Lloyd, LCSW-R, Director Of Rehabilitation Services, Bureau of Rehabilitation, Treatment, and Care Coordination, NYS Office of Mental Health
Kathrynn Merrill, MSW, Deputy Director, Bureau of Rehabilitation, Treatment, and Care Coordination, NYS Office of Mental Health
Stephen Vroman Jr, MS, Mental Health Program Specialist, NYS Office of Mental Health
Amy Smith, LCSW-R, Mental Health Program Specialist, NYS Office of Mental Health

This workshop will give Care Coordinators a brief overview of the principles of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and describe how it is implemented in CORE and PROS Services. The workshop will discuss how connecting individuals they work with to psychiatric rehabilitation services will promote recovery, full community participation, and improved quality of life. Attendees will come away understanding the importance and value of psychiatric rehabilitation in the recovery process, their role in connecting individuals to psychiatric rehabilitation services, and how ongoing collaboration with psychiatric rehabilitation providers can support goal attainment. Attendees will also learn about the incorporation of Mental Health Outpatient Treatment and Rehabilitation Services (MHOTRS), formerly known as Article 31 clinics, under the Medicaid Rehab Option, with the development of Peer Support Services and Off-Site services, and how to connect individuals with these services.


4. The Power of Language

Mya Haley, ACT Peer Specialist, NYS Psychiatric Institute


Language matters in all aspects of life and is particularly important in the context of behavioral health and recovery. Words can be associated with pessimism and low expectations, which can directly impact the people we serve, as well as reflect our own attitudes and expectations regarding our work.  Language can carry and perpetuate bias, prejudice, and judgment. However, with some serious reflection, open-minded discussion, and commitment to being recovery-oriented, language can also be extremely positive, motivating and life changing.


5. Outreach and Engagement on the Doorstep and in the Jail

Douglas Meyer, MEd, NYCPS, Director of Crisis Services, Mental Health Association of Essex County
Jessie Morgan, LMHC, Sr. Psychiatric Social Worker (Adult SPOA Coordinator), Essex County Mental Health

LEMHRS (Law Enforcement Mental Health Referral System) is an innovative program that grew out of the collaboration of behavioral health providers and law enforcement in the Essex County Heroin Opioid Coalition (ECHO) and was born on July 10, 2018. When Law Enforcement encounters someone and it is determined there is a behavioral health condition, substance use disorder or social determinants of health concern, they complete a HIPAA compliant, online referral form that is vetted by staff of the Mental Health Association in Essex County (MHA) and Essex County Mental Health (ECMH). The program is designed to be convenient for law enforcement to fill out and submit the referral. Referrals are received in real time and ECMH and MHA triage each referral and coordinate with SUD providers as needed, to determine the appropriate outreach response whether it be by letter, phone call or in person visit. All referrals receive at least two outreach attempts by phone, a letter from both MHA and ECMH with information about 988 and other available resources. Many less rural jurisdictions are moving toward mental health professionals riding along with law enforcement or co-responding to calls of a behavioral health nature. We don’t feel that model works in rural areas. To date we have received more than 900 referrals in which we were able to provide information or directly connect individuals in need to the proper resource. LEMHRS is not a crisis response program. It is program created to outreach individuals, promote engagement and provide people with access to valuable resources. This presentation will explain the history of LEMHRS and its connection to OD Mapping.

Participants will be shown how LEMHRS works from the time the Law Enforcement Officer, or other referral source, completes the referral through the providers receipt of the referral and unique efforts to outreach and connect individuals to appropriate resources.


6. Understanding Care Management in MLTC and MAP

Hillel Hirshbein, LCSW, MPH, Director, HH Program, NYS DOH OHIP
Karen Choens, LMSW, LTC Policy Manager, NYS OMH


On January 1, 2023, additional behavioral health (BH) services were carved into the Medicaid Advantage Plus (MAP) product line, enabling MAP members to access the full array of both Medicare and Medicaid’s physical health, mental health, and addiction services directly through MAP Plan benefits. Of critical importance for a fully integrated managed care plan is ensuring members are connected with the appropriate level of care management and communication for care coordination is optimized.  DOH and OMH representatives will present on the recently modified statewide Health Home Administrative Services Agreement (ASA) and the new Appendix B for MAP Plans and Health Homes.  The updated information will be reviewed, and attendees will learn the differences and similarities between care management for MLTC Partial Capitation and MAP Plans, as well as how to use these tools to optimize care coordination for members in their plans of care.


11:15am - 11:30am



11:30am – 12:45pm  

Concurrent Sessions


1. Care Management Opportunities in the Evolving Landscape

Sarina Master, MHA, Director of Adult Special Populations, Policy, and Programming, NYS DOH
Hillel Hirshbein, LCSW, MPH, Director, HH Program, NYS DOH OHIP

The Medicaid landscape is always evolving and it can be difficult to ascertain how Care Management fits into this dynamic environment. Opportunities for Health Homes and Care Management Agencies exist in new initiatives and programs such as the New York Health Equity Reform (NYHER) waiver, the new CHW benefit, the forthcoming Criminal Justice Waiver, emerging DOH focus populations, and FY2025 budget initiatives. This presentation focuses on the care management needs of the populations served and role of care management in meeting those needs.


2. NYS Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT): A Systemic Overview and Engagement Considerations for Care Coordination

Tom Gottehrer, LCSW, Assistant Director of Statewide AOT Implementation, NYS OMH
Kelly Jobin, LMHC, NYS OMH

This session will provide a general overview of a “101” of AOT, Presenters will share information on AOT background, purpose, eligibility criteria, oversight, roles,  legal background/processes and removal information. Time for questions and answers will be allotted.


3. Effective Time Management in Care Coordination

Andrew O’Grady, Executive Director, Mental Health America in Dutchess County

In the last few years, the jobs of care managers have changed drastically. The reporting responsibilities, the number of clients you must manage and the new community partners you are expected to report have increased. Going home at the end of the day, with your work completed can certainly improve your personal life. Having good time management skills can improve not only your work life but can bring you inner peace. This session will explore some of your struggles and give concrete strategies to improve your time management skills.


4. Doing It the JEDI Way

Samantha (Sunni) Headley, Trainer and Implementation Specialist, I CONECT, CPI

Luis O. Lopez, Director, I CONECT, CPI

Transitional care management is designed to last for up to 35 days – it begins on the date the team receives a discharge notification from the hospital. Transitional Care services are furnished by a registered nurse and a care management coordinator. Transitional care services are intended to reduce All-cause 30-day readmissions following discharge from the acute care setting. Services are exclusive to Medicaid beneficiaries who are attributed to the health system through a value-based arrangement with a managed care partner. This session will share best practices on transitional care management, discuss the benefits of collaboration, and review positive outcomes. Time for questions and answers will be allotted.


5. Stories from the Real World: How Data and Technology Collaborate to Drive Person-Centered Outcomes

Paul Jones, Head of Strategy & Operations at Foothold Technology
Ashley Loser, Product Manager, Data Operations at Coordinated Behavioral Care
Jawad Sartaj, CEO of


This interactive session will explore three case studies demonstrating the meaningful impact of data & technology in care management. We'll discuss how accessible data and technology have both enabled health homes and care teams to improve member outcomes and have enhanced health home operations and outcomes analysis. This session is designed to provide valuable insights into the practical applications of data, showcasing how it can be leveraged to drive person-centered care.


12:45pm – 1:30pm

Lunch and Learn & Dessert with Vendors


1:30pm – 2:45pm

Concurrent Sessions


1. We're In This Together Now: How DEIB Strengthens Service Provision in Care Management

LaTisha B Kentop, Associate Director of Care Management, Institute for Family Health

Learn how DEIB minded practice can steer successful organizations and providers to increase positive employee as well as patient outcomes. Participants will be able to take tools and tips back to their agencies to share with their DEIB committees and teams.


2. Care Management Life Raft: Managing and Balancing Caseloads

Hannah Gefell, LMSW, Care Management Supervisor, Greater Rochester Health Home Network
Christine LaBarge, BA, Care Manager, Greater Rochester Health Home Network

The work of a care manager has become more complex than ever. Burdens of balancing the complex needs of clients, dwindling resources, and constant documentation requirements, many care managers find themselves drowning and feeling stressed and burned out. The purpose of this presentation is to provide care managers with a “life-raft” so they can find balance and be more productive in the work that they do. Learning how to better balance and manage caseloads is imperative to learning how to reduce stress, prevent burn-out and increase productivity. Learn new perspectives, tips, and tools that can help reduce stress, set boundaries, and properly prioritize your client needs and caseload demands.


3. Looking at the CANS 2.0 Through a Trauma Informed Lens

Ruth Mikulski, MEd, CANS Coach & Trainer, CANS-NY Institute

This session presents a definition of trauma and also will explore Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The speaker will review the effects of trauma on the brain and discuss behavioral responses. Participants will learn how to promote success all around and review trauma informed practices when engaging a family in completing a CANS.


4. Navigating Oral Health with Medicaid

Alla Gizerskaya, DMD, CEO, DentalWorkNY
Araxi Gevorgyan, CEO, E&A Medical Solutions
Dmitriy Miloslavskiy, Associate Director, Tremont Helps Inc

This session will present the challenges that individuals with Medicaid face when it comes to oral care. The presentation will highlight what is covered under Medicaid, and what is not covered.  While dental services make up less than 1% of the healthcare budget it is the # 1 reason that kids miss school. The presentation will address how HMO's impact dental care, share the value of a dentist in the interdisciplinary team and demonstrate the correlation between the highest level of education and dental care. Care managers will learn the importance of patient education on dental care and services for their clients and families. 


5. I-CONECT - Working with Specialty CMA's/Health Home Plus: Year 2

Luis O. Lopez, Director, I CONECT

Diana Ponce, I CONECT


I CONECT is inviting all the Specialty CMA's/Health Homes Plus supervisors and providers to discuss areas of work, best practices, and concerns.  This information will assist I CONECT in creating more platforms that will provide consulting, support, training, and learning projects. This presentation will provide a summary of our first year (2023) and review our projects for 2024.


6. Supporting Individuals Experiencing a Critical Transition in Care

Melissa A. Beall, MA, Unit Director of Care Coordination, NYS OMH
Anna McDonough, MPA, Mental Health Program Specialist, NYS OMH


In this presentation, OMH will lead a discussion about an important role care managers serve: supporting individuals experiencing a critical transition in care. Care managers understand how vital they are to helping individuals connect to services following a hospital discharge or release from incarceration or loss in housing, but often a challenge for providers to coordinate timely access to such services. This presentation will share best practices for transitional care coordination, with a focus on effective transitional support for highest need individuals with SMI.


3:00pm – 3:15pm



3:15pm – 4:30pm

Concurrent Sessions


1. NYS OMH Housing Programs

Julie Duncan, Director, NYS OMH Housing
Rana Meehan, Mental Health Program Specialist 3, NYS OMH

This presentation will feature an overview of the various types of housing OMH funds throughout NYS and how an individual can access such housing.


2. Building Morale, Staff Retention, and the Onboarding Process

Kara Miller, LMSW, Program Manager, Rehabilitation Support Services
Samantha Burket, LMSW, Program Manager, Rehabilitation Support Services

We have recognized that many of the staff applying for the Care Manager position are new to the field of Care Management and we have built our onboarding process to reflect this. From outlining the first three months of caseload build up, shadowing, trainings, scavenger hunts and building in time to self-reflect, we have been able to build back our program, maintain staff, and have a little fun while sharing our knowledge and experience with those new to the program.


3. Behavioral Health Rapid Transitions

Rafael Bou, LCSW, MBA, Sr. Director Social Work Services, Northwell Health
Gerald Garland, LMSW, MBA, Sr. Manager, Social Work Services, Northwell Health

Hospitals nationwide have adapted a variety of transitional care strategies to reduce avoidable readmissions following medical stays. There has been less attention paid to transitions following behavioral health (BH) admission, despite readmission rates reported as high as 18% nationally. Northwell Health System has looked to address behavioral health readmissions within 30 days from a discharge from an inpatient behavioral health setting. Northwell Health goal is to improve the members quality of life by providing rapid, intensive community care management to the member once discharged from the hospital. Northwell Health seeked to improve on New York States 26% behavioral health readmissions rate. The current program is working with the following discharge sites at the following sites: Zucker Hillside Hospital , South Oaks Hospital and Cornerstone Medical Arts. In 2024, the program has received support from the center of excellence to expand the mission to Lenox Hill Hospital and to Staten Island University Hospital.


4. Building Resiliency in Children's Health Home

Cory Sullivan, Program Manager, CHHUNY

Resiliency trumps trauma. This session will outline action items to take to help build resiliency in kids and address the impact of trauma on their lives.


5. I-CONECT Practical Spaces: Self Care and Using Our P.O.W.E.R. (Power of Words, Expression & Reflection)

Luis O. Lopez, Director, I CONECT

Samantha (Sunni) Headley, I CONECT

Allashia Harris Smith, I CONECT


This workshop will provide some important tips about self-care.  Additionally, presenters will provide a mini workshop on how to use writing (journaling, poetry) to enhance our wellness.  This workshop has tips for care managers and all participants.


6. Safety in the Community

Donna Crane, Health Home Manager, East, Monroe Plan for Medical Care

The safety training provides the knowledge needed for care managers to do their work safely and avoid creating hazards that could place themselves or others at risk. The training includes the 10 rules of safety and the A.W.A.R.E Model that create an effective framework for maintaining safety and provide guidance in decision making that helps navigate different scenarios that a care manager may encounter while out visiting clients in the community. The training also includes tips on preparing for a visit, arriving at the visit, how to handle oneself once at the visit and leaving a visit while at all times maintaining safety.


Dinner is on your own.


Join your colleagues from across the State on May 2 & 3, 2024 at the Conference Center in beautiful Lake Placid, NY for the 2024 NYS Care Management Coalition Annual Training Conference.


Each year, this conference provides space to share ideas, learn best practices and enhance care coordination to best provide quality services for the adults, children and families we serve! It is essential for us to re-connect as a community to support one another and to meet the many challenges, demands and opportunities of care coordination.


The NYS Care Management Coalition strives to provide state-of-the-art educational programming, data/information and networking opportunities on best practices in care coordination for professionals in the behavioral health and substance use disorder community.

Hotel Reservations

Blocks of rooms have been set aside at a discounted rate for conference participants at the following hotels near the conference venue:


Grand Adirondack Hotel

2520 Main St, Lake Placid, NY 12946


Crowne Plaza

101 Olympic Dr, Lake Placid, NY 12946


Click the button below to make overnight reservations for this event! Please note that overnight reservations do not include registration for the conference so make sure to also do that using the Register button.

Discounts Available for Group Registrations

For 10 or More Registrations: 
The Coalition is pleased to offer the following discounts to same organization paid registrants. If your organization is sending over 10 registrants, please complete the form linked here to register a group: 


All group registrations MUST be paid for prior to the conference. 



10-15 Participants: One Complimentary Registration

16-25 Participants: Two Complimentary Registrations
26-39 Participants: Three Complimentary Registrations

40+ Participants:  Four Complimentary Registrations per forty

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